Tuesday, April 12, 2011


For a new LAYOUT

 It is so bright and happy :)

Quite a change from dreary black no?

Tangerines are delicious

I'm not sure if other people can see this because I changed the privacy settings. Oh well. The fact that others were reading about my neurotic obsession was giving me even more anxiety. I would have to say that I'm so OVER giving a shit about weight loss. I can't remember what my hobbies and interests were before? What did I do before the obsession? What did I google, when I didn't google weight loss stories and disordered blogs?

I recall having other fulfilling and exciting interests. I plan to get them all back. Wish me luck.

I must learn to be happy within myself. Outside forces always tear and scratch at you. I must guard my own happiness fiercely.

This whole "becoming a doctor" thing is starting to worry me.

I'm glad I'm not taking any classes over the summer. I need to do some soul-searching, read some books, and play with my dog. I must also try some deep-fried cheesecake. Paula Deen: My hero.
I want to go see a ballet
a play
go swimming
hang out with my boyfriend :)
eat icecreammm
go on roller coasters
hang out with friends
go to a concert
learn how to cook things
and and andddd chillax